Wednesday, January 30, 2013

only in oklahoma......

......would it be 74 degrees one day and snowing (ever so lightly) the since Cora has been (daily) walking over to the fireplace and saying "huh?" and looking at us 'quizzickly', you guessed it.......
Pop obliged by building a fire and she pretty much hung out near the fireplace most of the first part of the morning, making mounds of throw pillows on the carpet and crawling over, under and through them.

And she is entralled with the video of cousin Blake which his amazing caregiver sent to Uncle Brian and Aunt Lara, so let's see, we've watched it, at her behest, oh, maybe 20 times......some things just don't get old, y' know?
So the sun's peekin' out now and we've just enjoyed the antics of a cat traversing our yard.... her reaction? hilarious!  she owns this place!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

rainy tuesday can't stop the fun!

Since we were pretty sure Silas would introduce her to all-things-remote control around our house as soon as he could, we decided to at least initiate her with the lamp in our bedroom.......she loved 'being in control'!

Yea!  We're getting some much needed rain today....but that didn't slow Pop and Cora down while Noni was volunteering at Kendall-Whittier.....they joined the leagues of  'mall-walkers' and had a great time (staying WELL clear of the kids' play area - a.k.a. 'bacteria central')

She's down for her nap now and y' know how good it is to sleep when you can hear the wonderful sound of rain outside?  Yeah, we'll she may pull another 2+ hour nap on this sweet day!

Monday, January 28, 2013

such a great day!

well, anyone who knows me knows that I consider rob (your dad) to be 'the man of the hour', y' know........but today he's the man of 'the hour and a half'....(sure wish I had pics to sweeten this up).....but while I was tutoring at our house (remodeling going on at client's house) he and Cora (instead of being confined upstairs) went 'strollering' around the neighborhood, over to the post office to pick up a 'hold mail' card for our upcoming vaca, next to the strip shopping/business center south of the post office and, if that was enough.....back through the neighborhood, behind the fire station, ACROSS THE CREEK and around the pond at Hunter Park then back home.  He said they had a great time, the weather cooperated fully, she ate a great dinner and didn't actually mind bathtime this time........just basking in such a sweet day....and praising God for it, too!

our 'houseguest'

it's kinda funny how having a 'houseguest' can cause one to appreciate the simple things a little bit more than usual, y' know.... like a walk around the block, encountering a neighbor who's walking her tiny beagle, enjoying a humid breeze for what it is instead of something that takes the curl right out of your today is the beginning of a few sweet days with precious Cora while mom, dad and silas jack are whoopin' it up on a road trip and enjoying some Great Wolf Lodge time together!  Can't imagine that they're gonna have half as much fun as we are!
It was so sweet to hear Cora 'bark' back at the puppies next door......of course, NOT getting to see them just wouldn't do, y' know.  Chances are she's workin' on an invitation to come over to pet them!

And, of course, when the mail came she had to help sort it so we'd get to make a trip to the recycling bin......

Just color her 'fascinated' by our movable 'yard art' that responds to the slightest breeze!  And when there's not a breeze she, of course, expects us to make it move and entertain her and we.......of course......oblige!  Wouldn't you? since the trash had been picked up (and yes, we actually got to see that and the truck driver gave her a big wave!) but the recyling hadn't, Cora and Pop made some trips out with the mail to recycle and then with the mac 'n cheese box after they got lunch started........cora was a bit worried after she dropped the box in and wanted to retreive it.....but don't worry, dad and mom, we persuaded her with (wait for it) a magic wave of the BUBBLE WAND....that we had other 'fish to fry'!

And along with her little push cart/walker she's 'doin' laps' with our computer chairs..........