Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Tomorrow is September 23rd which is the 10th of Tishri, Yom Kippur, or the ”Day of Atonement”, which is the holiest day of the Jewish year.  Yom Kippur is about purification, when the High Priest of old would enter the Holy-of-Holies of the Temple, and on behalf the nation of Israel, offer a blood sacrifice for the sins of the people.

I heard a good teaching today about how many of us judge others, have philosophies and opinions about how others should be living, and what politicians and nations should be doing to make things right.
The speaker’s conclusion was that rather than being worried about others’ sins, we need to focus on our own sin, repent to God the Father and engage with Jesus to walk out our own personal recovery.  We need to individually, honestly confront our denials, and rationalizations, owning our sin, and struggles, and repent to the Father, and share our struggle with a Christ following brother or sister.

Would you consider doing this today my friend?  The time is now.   Bro. Rob