Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Returning to Kaloko-Honololau State Park

We returned to 'the hidden gem' with beach chairs and picnic lunch in hand and found a deliciously wonderful little shaded spot with a perfect view......
We found an intricate piece of coral and true to our philosophy of 'take only photos, leave only footprints' we moved it back into its habitat after taking this shot ........
Not too far from our shady perch was a traditional longhouse lodge where the occasional sunbather sought respite from the sun......pretty cool, literally and figuratively!
We've learned such interesting things about the culture and language while here.....5 vowels and 7 consonants plus the 'okina' which is the apostrophe -'- which is in so many words, usually between vowels.  It is considered a consonant and sounds like/ functions like a 'glottal stop' for you speech folks and linguists out there.  Okay, class dismissed....going to 'drink in' the the sunset!  Love to all!
  Oh, by the way, for any 'regular readers' out there....we're experiencing some periodic laptop disk issues that MIGHT be indicative of an impending hard drive failure. Boo! Although we're willing to spend $$ on fun food, experiences, and fun little drinks with umbrellas while we're here, we're not willing to purchase a new laptop while here.  SO, if blog posts should cease.....that would be the reason.  Since Laura and Keith, Brian and Lara, and Tim and Ally all have Apple products, maybe I can FINALLY talk rob/your dad into 'going over to the dark side'  :)

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