Friday, February 15, 2013

a day with our tahlequah tiger

From start to finish, it couldn't have been sweeter....our day with Blake. He's really ratcheted up the 'personality quotient' since the last time we saw him and spent the day exercising all the babbling, "ppftft"ing, singing, and grinning he could possibly muster. We were thoroughly entertained, to say the least!

working on another 'pearly white'

He and 'Pop' are both Fox News fans, you can tell!

       This 'side lay' position was his favorite all day!  Also did a bit of a 'superman' impression 'flying' around the house in that pose.

"The phrase "I'm lovin' it" doesn't just apply to Mickey D's," says Blake.

Daisy heard about the meteor that was going to be passing to within 17,000 miles of the earth around 1:24p.m. so she figured, what the heck, I'll just spend a good portion of the day in "my bunker."

and so like his mommy and daddy, he's the literary yes, story time;)

Yeah, I know, it's not barbecue....but have you ever seen two guys so happy?

               Bye,bye, sweet precious boy......see you next time!

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