Sunday, February 10, 2013

second saturday at Philbrook!

Can't let a rainy, cloudy day get you down when you're spending it with these two...........
from sharing nuggets (of humor, silliness, antics...oh and chicken) to......

                              ......blowing bubbles in their Hi-C....... asking, "Do I have ice cream on my nose YET?".......well, yeah,
it was pretty much fun for us, and probably everyone sitting around us;)
Then on to Philbrook's Second Saturday.............
 The theme of this month's 'second saturday' was 'love is everywhere' and it certainly was with these two.  We started out with a simple heart weaving project (the featured artist was one who'd done the woven tapestries of Cupid and Psyche's wedding that flank the Grand Staircase) and Silas a Kady made heart necklaces.

 Then it was down to the lower level studio so they try their hand at using oil pastels on their own version of the 'Love' poster.
                                        She could do this for hours!
                                             He was SO intent!
                .....and he LOVED how the oil pastels smeared!  Cool, huh?
                               Looking pretty satisfied with his work!
                                           In their element, for sure!
                                        Just a little more here.......
                                  .......................and here........
         and then we're off!  Kady (who considers herself a 'seasoned veteran' )delighted in leading Silas on the tour......
                        trying to make the floor light up in the ballroom

 The scavenger hunt prompted them to count the number of paintings and sculptures that depicted mother/child love (9) and then to show their was unanimous: let's hear it for the most recognizable version of Mary and Jesus.
 It was so sweet to listen to Kady tell Silas about what the gardens would look like in spring and summer and how "we'll go all the way down that long walk to another statue."
 Headed back through the ballroom to the next item on our scavenger hunt list:something about 'dog' statues at the top of the Grand Staircase?
 Also waiting at the top of the Grand Staircase was a very nice museum docent who kindly advised us that flash photography was not allowed...ooooops!
Dreaming of picnics on the lawn, scavenger hunts in the gardens, counting koi in the ponds, listening to music by the gazebo......warmer days, they'll be here before we know it!

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