Friday, March 15, 2013

Sometimes we're early risers.......

and this was one of THOSE days.  My sweet, onery brother, whose weekend begins on Friday morning, called at 8:50am (Tulsa time) thinking we were already home, to set up a coffee date to hear about our trip.  Yep, you guessed it......3:50am Kona time :) gotta love that boy!  Had a great talk with him (because you can sleep anytime, right?) but sleep was not to be had after we hung up so we actually got to see Fox and Friends (the early edition) which was an added's perspective,    y' know?

Then we treated ourselves to breakfast at Denny's on the hill, taking a one-day break from our regular smoothies.....strolled around WalMart as the stockers were busy getting ready for their day....and as the rain came down and drenched this beautiful village of Kona.

We returned to Royal Sea Cliff just in time for our lei-making class.  We enjoyed learning this new skill using beautiful, deliciously aromatic, locally gathered plumeria, while listening to a local artist do 'talk-story' and serenade, and drinking POG juice (thanks, Ronna, for recommending this yummy pineapple-orange-guava concoction!) We're now we're ready to don some mud-worthy footwear for some hiking to see what we can see around the 'Aimakapa, turtles, crabs......we're ready, if you are!

1 comment:

  1. I think your next Christmas card photo is soooo on this post! Beautiful!!
